Tuesday, August 16, 2022

SCCM Task Sequence Error 0x80004005


SCCM Task Sequence 0x80004005


Task Sequence … has failed with the error code 0x80004005 in the task sequence step 'Upgrade Operating System'. For more information, contact your system administrator or helpdesk operator.


OS upgrade package downloaded fine

The operation completed successfully.  OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:31 PM        300 (0x012C)

Validating  package for OS upgrade architecture        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:31 PM        300 (0x012C)

Architecture of OS upgrade package is x64        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:31 PM        300 (0x012C)

Architecture of current OS is x64        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:31 PM        300 (0x012C)

Architecture of current OS matches architecture of new OS upgrade package. Can continue        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:31 PM        300 (0x012C)

Validating  package for OS upgrade version        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:31 PM        300 (0x012C)

The version of source OS upgrade package '10.0.20348' is supported to be used in OS upgrade. We can continue        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:31 PM        300 (0x012C)

Failure can be found here

Command line of Windows setup upgrade: '"C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<packageID>\SETUP.EXE" /ImageIndex 1 /auto Upgrade /quiet /noreboot /EULA accept /postoobe "C:\Windows\SMSTSPostUpgrade\SetupComplete.cmd" /postrollback "C:\Windows\SMSTSPostUpgrade\SetupRollback.cmd" /postrollbackcontext system /DynamicUpdate Disable'        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:38 PM        300 (0x012C)

Failed to delete previous value SetupProgress of reg key SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup\Volatile        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:38 PM        300 (0x012C)

Waited 0 sec to open a key SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup\Volatile        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:38 PM        300 (0x012C)

Waited 0 sec to find that setup progress registry key value SetupProgress exists        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:38 PM        300 (0x012C)

Starting execution of thread with argument: "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<packageID>\SETUP.EXE" /ImageIndex 1 /auto Upgrade /quiet /noreboot /EULA accept /postoobe "C:\Windows\SMSTSPostUpgrade\SetupComplete.cmd" /postrollback "C:\Windows\SMSTSPostUpgrade\SetupRollback.cmd" /postrollbackcontext system /DynamicUpdate Disable        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:38 PM        2148 (0x0864)

Command line for extension .EXE is "%1" %*        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:38 PM        2148 (0x0864)

Set command line: "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<packageID>\SETUP.EXE" /ImageIndex 1 /auto Upgrade /quiet /noreboot /EULA accept /postoobe "C:\Windows\SMSTSPostUpgrade\SetupComplete.cmd" /postrollback "C:\Windows\SMSTSPostUpgrade\SetupRollback.cmd" /postrollbackcontext system /DynamicUpdate Disable        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:38 PM        2148 (0x0864)

Executing command line: "C:\_SMSTaskSequence\Packages\<packageID>\SETUP.EXE" /ImageIndex 1 /auto Upgrade /quiet /noreboot /EULA accept /postoobe "C:\Windows\SMSTSPostUpgrade\SetupComplete.cmd" /postrollback "C:\Windows\SMSTSPostUpgrade\SetupRollback.cmd" /postrollbackcontext system /DynamicUpdate Disable with options (0, 0)        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:38 PM        2148 (0x0864)

Waited 14 sec to read successfully initial setup progress registry key value SetupProgress        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:52 PM        300 (0x012C)

Windows upgrade progress: 0%        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:53:54 PM        300 (0x012C)

Windows upgrade progress: 12%        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:54:54 PM        300 (0x012C)

Process completed with exit code 3247440392        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:49 PM        2148 (0x0864)

ExecuteWithTimeout returned Windows Setup process hexadecimal exit code 0xC1900208 (decimal 3247440392)         OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:49 PM        2148 (0x0864)

Could not read Windows Setup progress regkey value 'SetupProgress' at 'HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup\Volatile'. Stopping UI progress. (0x800703fa)        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Windows upgrade progress: 14%        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Waiting for Windows Upgrade Setup process to return ...        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Wait for event returned 0        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Windows setup completed with exit code hexadecimal 0xC1900208 (decimal 3247440392)         OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Saving exit code of Windows upgrade - hexadecimal 0xC1900208 (decimal 3247440392) -  to Task sequence environment variable '_SMSTSOSUpgradeActionReturnCode', as decimal string        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Windows Setup failed with hexadecimal exit code 0xC1900208 (decimal 3247440392). To identify the type of issue, lookup it against the table of known values of Windows Setup errors online.        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Failing this task sequence step        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

upgrade.Run(), HRESULT=80004005 (X:\bt\1216594\repo\src\client\OsDeployment\UpgradeWindows\upgradewindows.cpp,1881)        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Exiting with code 0x80004005        OSDUpgradeWindows        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        300 (0x012C)

Process completed with exit code 2147500037        TSManager        8/16/2022 12:55:55 PM        3576 (0x0DF8)


The key is this error: 0xC1900208

If you see this, there are applications  on the system you are trying to upgrade that are incompatible with the upgrade. You need to find out which one(s) it is and remove them before proceeding.

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