Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Log off inactive users


You want to log off users who have been inactive for a specified period of time. By inactive, I mean the user has not used the mouse, keyboard, input device. I have tried a few ways of doing this, but this way was the most successful way for me.

What you need

CoreTech Shutdown Tool - Shutdown Tool
Hidden Powershell Script - Hidden Powershell Script
Exported Scheduled Task - XML File
Powershell Script

Friday, July 6, 2018

SCCM Error 0x643(1603) When Deploying Software


You are deploying an SCCM application. The application installation fails resulting in an error code 0x643(1603)

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Microsoft Support Diagnostic Packages


You have a problem you are troubleshooting with a Windows server or desktop and you would like a tool to do an initial triage and data collection.

Thursday, March 8, 2018

SCCM 2012 Error 0x103(259) when deploying package


You are deploying a package and you get an error 0x103(259). This error means that the installer you are calling exits withing 20 seconds with a code 259 and SCCM interprets it as a failure. In my case I was getting this error because I misspelled the name of a .bin file in my command line. But it may have something to do with your application as well.

You can run a script to deploy the package that monitors the status of the installation and exit properly: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/fbccc114-3605-4363-b983-b2f7b02fe266/program-exit-code-259-in-sccm-cllient?forum=configmgrgeneral


I am including some of the details from the execmgr.log (client log) in case you want to look at what the log says when you run into the problem I had.