Friday, February 6, 2015

Using NetSh to Capture Network Traces


You have a client / server application that appears is running slowly and you suspect the issue is network related.  You want to capture a network trace from the client and the server at the same time, but you don't want to install Wireshark or Network Monitor on either machine.

Netsh Trace

In the above scenario, it is important to get a simultaneous network trace from the client and the server while the problem is occurring. Open an administrative command prompt on both the client and on the server.  Enter the following command into both prompts:

netsh trace start capture=yes

Then launch the application to reproduce the slowness,  If it takes a long time for the application to launch, then continue to capture until the application is fully launched.  If some functionality within the application is slow, then be sure to capture the entire period of slowness in your trace.

Once you have gathered the data you need, use the following command to stop the trace:

netsh trace stop

Your command line should look like the above command line.  Notice that, by default, the max size of the trace file will be 250MB, that it is a circular (will overwrite the oldest data once the file size reaches 250MB), and you can see that it will show you the path were the .etl trace will be stored.